
Friday, September 20, 2013

Adventure to Taichung

The other week I went down to Taichung to visit some of my friends who live down there. I didn't though really get to see a lot of the city because of the time that I arrived and it was also raining.

So I left Nankan around 2pm. I had wanted to leave earlier but it turns out I was waiting on the wrong side of the road for the bus. Also I missed a bus because I'm still not good at flagging buses and taxis (I never had to do that before I moved to Taiwan). Anyway I took the bus to the Taoyuan Airport because of what I could research online it was the easiest to catch a bus down to Taichung. It was pretty easy and cheap. It was only like $250NT but it was also a cheap bus. There were only five other people on the bus and when we arrived in Taichung and it started raining the bus leaked. The important part though was that I made it down there and I was help by several Taiwanese people along the way. 

It took about two hours to get to Taichung but once down there I didn't have to wait long to meet up with my friends. It was really good seeing them. It had only been a few weeks since I saw them but it honestly felt like so much longer... probably since I'm really busy with work and don't get out as much as I would like. Anyway after picking me up we headed out to dinner. We were meeting up with some more people at an American food restaurant  I have to say that I had been really craving bbq sauce and I had a bbq chicken flat-bread pizza. It was amazing. Just writing about it is making me hungry. 

Anyway after dinner we headed out to a swazy joint called the 'Night Owl' that is owned by the one guys friend. I found it really amusing that he also owned the dinner below it call the 'Early Bird'. It was fun we stayed there till really late until we went back to my friend's friend's place. Before we got there we of course stopped at 7Eleven to pick up snacks because there was going to be a video game marathon. Anyway after watching them play video games we finally headed to bed around 4am, but I didn't get to sleep then because I was sharing a bed with my one guy friend. This is not the first time that I've shared my bed with one of my guy friends and it's not going to be the last. Let me put it out there that nothing happened any of those times or this one besides talking and attempting sleeping. This though was the first time that I had someone kick me and roll on top of me in their sleep. For the rest of the morning I spent it on the couch trying to sleep. 

Later that morning when everyone got up we headed out. They dropped me off at a train station instead of a bus station to make my way back up to Taoyuan and then to Nankan. Unfortunatly there were no seats left on the train so I bought a standing ticket. 

Buying a standing ticket probably wasn't the smartest choice on my part considering that it was a 2hr train ride back to Taoyuan. I had also thought 'Hey I could probably just sit down on the floor' but there wasn't even enough room for me to do that until I got like 30min away from my stop. I saw a lot of cool scenery but didn't get the opportunity to take any pictures because there wasn't any room for me to get out my camera and we were moving too fast. 

Once I reached Taoyaun it was really easy to get a cab back home and it didn't cost that much either. 


  1. Why is it that when you take selfies, you look adorable. When I do it I look like a technicolor white whale?

    1. practice and I take several and just sort out the good ones

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