
Monday, September 16, 2013

Climbing the Mountain

To get into Nankan from Taipei you have to climb over a mountain. There is several trails on the mountain that you can go hiking. My first weekend in NanKan two of my new co-workers and I decided to go and hike the mountain... which was not the smartest move on our part. 

I like hiking and going on short day hikes but hiking in the summer in Taiwan is nothing like hiking in the summer in Pennsylvania. Our mistake was that we didn't get out until 9 or 10ish in the morning and by then it was already super hot. It was so hot and humid that you didn't even have to move to get drenched in sweat. Despite the heat we decided to go hiking anyway. On the mountain is a giant shrine that is about half way up. There are also tons of stairs that you climb before you even get to the hiking trail.

Supposedly there is a KTV (karaoke)set up at the top of.the mountain where to locals go to sing on on the weekend. We did not make it that far. We only made it to the look out. It had amazing views of the city.

Yeah after the overlook we headed down the mountain. Unlike going up where the path was paved this was more of a mountain trail. I have to say that I was exhausted and it wasn't even that long a trail. 

Overall it was a nice mountain and I would love to try climbing the mountain again when it is less hot and humid... so I might try again in October. 

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