
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hello and Welcome

Hello and Welcome to my blog. In almost a month I will be moving to Taiwan to teach English for a year. This is a really big move for me since I've never lived anywhere but eastern Pennsylvania, USA. I figured hey I'm young and I've always wanted to go abroad so why not and this way I will be paid to do so. 

A little bit about me. Since I've graduated from university I've spent the last year working to save money to go abroad. You could say that now that it's finally here I'm super exited. I'm a trained librarian and I love to read. I am also a huge Asian drama fan (I don't really watch American tv anymore). I really love tokusatsu (go check it out if you don't know what this is) and just learning about different cultures. 

Just a few things about this blog. I will try to update as much as possible but with life things can get side tract. I am also going to try to have a video portion of the blog updated once a week. So here we go.

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