
Friday, July 5, 2013

BT: To the Shore

Yesterday I had an awesome Fourth of July and today I am continuing on with doing really American things and going to the New Jersey Shore. Like I had in Philly one of my best friends lives out there so I'm going to visit her. I also haven't been to the Jersey Shore since I was in High School so it should be fun. 

As much as I am excited to see the shore today I'm more excited to go the beach in Taiwan. I have never seen the Pacific Ocean before. The closest I've gotten to it was living vicariously through my brother who lived out in California for a bit. He poked it for me. Unlike where he was I will be able to swim in it. I actually already made plans with my one friend who is going over with me to go to the beach. It will be tons of fun. Well it is now time for me to head to the beach so until next bye. 

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